Psychology & Nature Wisdom
Transformational experiences to recover your true nature and empower the most authentic part of you through PRESENCE. Supported with Psychology background, sound healing and connected intuitive singing
The Voice of Love
Voice is the main tool to guide my healing sessions and what I like to awake in others...
A transpersonal voice beyond any duality that connects with the authenticity of our own Being.
A compassionate voice in full presence able to embrace and transform any reality.
An assertive voice able to express what doesn’t feel in alignment with our highest truth.
An empowered voice that creates realities of fulfilment and beauty for our inner and outer world.
About me
In my life I studied Psychology, many natural therapies to understand and heal myself, for that it was also essential to count on the presence of nature. To breathe deep, feel the elements in me, be wild and incarnate in my body through creative, connected expression…
This all allowed me to discover an intuitive being inside me, able to be carried by life forces bigger than my little self and to go beyond my own struggles. Now I know that after the darkest night comes the most amazing sunrise and it is my main motivation to accompany people to heal and be able to see the big sun that we all have inside.

Núria Del Sol
My background in Psychology allows me to understand human behaviour, how to consciously heal trauma and find the patterns and emotions that disconnect you from your Essence.
My experience in the world of Shamanism allows me to incorporate the forces of nature and let them guide the experiences from a wider perspective of love.
My vocation and art is to be an artistic bridge between both worlds to accompany in a more complete way any process of transformation and awakening.
Connection with people
My motivation is that each individual is able to find its Essence and the power to express it in the world. Each one is unique and special and I like to give personalised attention to be able to focus and go as deep as possible into the healing. That is why I like to offer intimate and personalised ceremonies or for small groups and carried out with care, sweetness, depth and firmness.

Connection with nature
The process of realignment and healing it comes form recovering our own true and authentic nature, so mother Earth it is giving in all its elements a perfect mirror for us to remember the forces we have inside. The process of reconnection it is about making space to allow her great Love take us, guide us and nourish our own unique soul as part of her Being.

Nadja Vanosch
Nuria is a real medicine woman.
Her energetic massage is amazingly healing both for a body and for a soul. She uses not just her hands and etheric oils, but also her voice to lead you through this process. She raises vibration very high, and if you are sensitive enough you might come to some very powerful realisations and get answers on some of your questions in a form of inner knowing. Even if you don't reach that point, you will feel relaxed, energised and more aligned. This energetic massage is really her unique signature and I highly recommend it, even for kids.
I also did a ceremony with Nuria which was fantastic! She will lead you gently with her voice and instruments to the place where you're supposed to be in that very moment. Each ceremony is different and unique, and intention is a key to get the most of it.
Thank you Nuria for being a part of my journey! I love you!
Ana Vukolic
She is a beautiful powerful yet humble soul. Who conducts her ceremonies in the Peruvian tradition, with pure intentions and grace.
She understands both the seen and unseen worlds and knows how to make sure her ceremonies go above and beyond in making sure each participant gets what they need.
I have been lucky enough to do many ceremonies with Nuria, and experience her beautiful magic which helped me to become aware of, and release many blockages that were holding me back. Truly transformational.
I have also been lucky enough to experience her energetic massage too which combines massage and energy healing to help rebalance and restore, for anyone wanting something more gentle.
My husband and I decided to do Kambo because we where living in house that made us sick in all levels, also affecting our 3 kids. We were almost always sleep deprived because the crying of our new born baby. We felt depleted and stuck and we where not able to find any other house. I felt the need of kambo and we find Nuria in a moment of absolute desperation. We put a very strong intention of clearing the energy, removing the heaviness in our family line that kept us in a continuous struggle and manifesting a new house for our family. After one session the clarity came back and we found an incredible house... during the second ceremony we received the confirmation that we could move in there! After the 3 ceremonies we regain mental and physical strength and we where able to close one of the hardest periods of our life!