Heal your body & spirit
• ceremonies •
About my Ceremonial Work
We set a space of loving Presence and compassion where you can Be and anything can be embraced, transformed and enjoyed.
I use a ceremonial format to empower consiousness in the present moment, feel the sacredness of Life within and let love guide us from the core of our Being.
The experiences are about reconnecting with our own natural wisdom beyond mind and emotion, and to step out of the duality forms to be able to dissolve any trigger, trauma and outdated behavioural pattern.
It is about creating the silence within, allowing us to listen to our inner voice, follow the unique path of soul and let our qualities unfold and shine. It is only when we get this connection that we can express with authenticity in the world.

Transformational experiences to recover your true nature and empower the most authentic part of you.
I offer personalised private ceremonies, feel free to ask what are you looking for in a message and we can create a special occasion
Cacao Ceremonies
I invite you to celebrate life and return to joy in your heart with Cacao ceremonies. Cacao has been used ancestrally by Mayan and Aztec traditions, they considered it "Theobroma", the food of the Gods. Nowadays science discovered its multiple nutritive and healing properties, so it makes complete sense.
One of its main characteristics it is the awakening of Heart intelligence and the activation of joyful energy in body and soul, so it is ideal to accompany free expression activities, like voice liberation or singing circle, conscious dance... And also is wonderful to support meditative healing spaces like soundhealing.
The drink: It is made basically with ceremonial quality cacao( it means it has been treated as something sacred from the moment that it is planted till the collection and packaging, never exposed to high temperatures and kept it pure) mixed it in water or vegetable milk and combined in a delicious way with some spices.
The procedure: The ceremony allways includes a cocoa blessing, round of intention and conscious sharing. It can be accompanied by:
Singing circle: Exercises to free the voice and he body and singing together.
Soundhealing: Relax and recieve the healing vibration of voice and special instruments

Healing properties
Mood enhancement
Open intuition and creativity
Improves brain function
Stress relief
Immune system support
Help blood and energy circulation
Rich in antioxidants
and many more...
Duration: 2h or 3hs depending on the request
Price: Depending in the amount of people.
Raise your voice
Free expression ceremony
Learn to fully open your voice and authentically express all the colours of your soul to the world.
Using playful exercises, I will facilitate you to be in touch with the feelings and sensations of your body, translating them into spontaneous and free expression.
We will use breath and movement to enter a state of mindful presence, feeling the instrument that we are and feeling what is needed to be more “in tune” with our power centre. Using the voice as a witness and guide towards a more healthy “tuning” with our real self.
Normally we finish with a circle of improvised singing together, enjoying and celebrating what we learnt during the healing journey.

Kambo Ceremony
Kambo is the medicine of a frog from the Amazon that promotes a detoxification process at the body level that improves physical, emotional and mental health. Appropriate for moments of change and transformation, it helps to release old programming and conditioning, enhances alignment with our true nature, activating the self-regenerative power of the body, sharpening the senses and reconnecting with our instinct and intuition.

Increases sensory perception and the ability to focus and concentrate, giving clarity.
It improves the ability to cope with pain and has a strong analgesic effect. It is 4,000 times more powerful than morphine and 40 times stronger than endogenous type B endorphins.
Improves resistance, increases physical strength and fights states of fatigue.
It improves mood and several studies show that it is effective against depression and stress.
It is a natural antibiotic, useful to destroy microbes, viruses and to heal infections.
Helps release addictions, from sugar or alcohol to synthetic drugs.
It has anti-inflammatory effect.

What makes Núria's ceremonies different from others:
- Holistic accompaniment towards the empowerment of the person to achieve their purpose.
- Ceremonial opening and closing of the work, focusing the energy with tobacco medicine, prayer and intention.
- Blessing of the Water Special song to the water that is going to be drunk for work, to raise its vibration. Harmonized water facilitates the process.
- Testing of the optimal amount of medicine to app
- Channeling of unique medicine songs for each person and process.
- Integration of the journey with sound healing, with special instruments and voice.
- Intimate and personalized ceremonies carried out with care, sweetness, depth and firmness.
- Training in Psychology and alternative therapies accompanied by 10 years of preparation with ancestral medicines from different cultures, traditions and teachers.
Psilo Blessing Journey
They are also called the “child of God”, because they help us reconnect with innocence, simplicity and naturality. They refresh our brain, allowing to have new inspirations and ideas and getting more creative.
They are also bring mystic experiences of love and bliss, anything it is more easy to heal because the heart opens and mind expands beyond its habitual limits. It make it easy to feel the energy, have visions, be more sensitive in your body, connect with nature and invisible forces, listen to the voice of your soul...
I like to call it Psilo Blessing journey, because of the bliss that it is to be able to explore and discover more our true selves, bringing naturally a movement of self consciousness and healing.

Funghis they are a primordial beings that allow life in our planet. They are in the beginning and finish of life, decomposing what dies to transform it into fertilizer for a new start. They are keepers of order and armony in nature. They interconnect and communicate ecosystems and thousand of plant species in the underground of the Earth. Many of them have incredible medicinal properties. They grow everywhere around the planet...
Same as they interconnect ecosystems in the Earth, they help reconnect our brain cells and nervous system to find a more harmonic and healthy way of being.
We invite you to put yourself in hands of this ancient wisdom of the forests and the Earth.
A safe space of harmony and verbal silence will be set up. Sound healing and inspirational music will be played in order to accompany an inner journey of self reflection and reconnection with the Essence. You will have professional support in any moment that is need.
All aspects will be fully cared for you to be able to surrender to the wisdom of Life within.
This ceremony requires a special preparation and integration.
For more information please write me a message...